After visiting Wuhidet and meeting with school representatives, we knew we wanted to supply the students with food for the remainder of the school year. That would amount to feeding 414 students, four days a week, for the next four months. There were a number of other factors that needed to be considered before we could provide food to the students. 

  • Nutrition: Because meals were few and far between for most students, it was important that what we provided was high in nutrition to better sustain students throughout the school day.

  • Preparation: The school does not have a kitchen or a cook. In order for our donation to be successfully maintained, it needed to be fairly easy to distribute to all students and not require any major effort on the part of school staff. 

  • Shelf Life: The school needed to be able to store the food safely onsite without worrying about it expiring too quickly.

With these in mind, peanut butter was chosen. At the time of our visit, students were being given a slice of bread each day for breakfast and the peanut butter would serve as a complement to that. For those reasons, as well as being able to purchase the peanut butter at a discounted wholesale price, we believed that it was a sound investment.

Please note all costs reflected below are in Ethiopian birr.

The school was also provided with a 10,000 birr grant to go towards the purchase of school supplies. This was done in the form of a grant due to discounted prices that are available from the government when buying through a school verification program.