Shifting Focus

Since grade school, there was never question of whether or not I would go to college. The more appropriate question was: master’s or Ph.D? I struggled my way through school, looking for a clear career path or passion. My one goal was to make my parents proud, to make sure my parents’ deferred dreams were not sacrificed in vain.

Although I knew I wanted to to live a purposeful life, I came to understand that my dreams are forever woven with theirs. After graduating with my bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Business, I decided to focus on an area with the potential for greater impact. I went on to obtain my master’s degree in Public Administration and my Ph.D in Public Policy. These achievements not only developed my skills in community engagement, but also fulfilled a dream my parents had held for me from a young age.

I graduated with my doctorate degree 21 years after my own father received his. The quote I often associate with that moment was one I read back in college by Elizabeth Gilbert:

“I thought about one of my favorite Sufi poems, which says that God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. You were never not coming here. This was never not going to happen.”

A picture of me at 8 years old, dressed in my dad’s doctoral robe says it all. A little girl confidently smiling as if she was the graduate herself.


Although I spent the early part of this year completing my dissertation, I am now committed to expanding Take Action Now’s impact. I deeply appreciate your patience and continued support.